Creating Networks That Connect Our Communities
“The team took time and care to provide us with the details necessary to meet our goals, reflect the desires of the adjacent community, and ensure that it was financially feasible.”
Our transportation networks connect people, places, goods, and services in our community, across the state and country, and around the world. Our quality of life, jobs, education, and economic well-being all depend on safe and efficient transportation systems. It is one of the largest public and private investments we make. We have to use our resources wisely and make sure we get it right the first time.
This is why private developers and public clients alike choose WGM Group. They trust our team to navigate challenging projects and provide cost effective and feasible solutions that connect our communities.
WGM Group is a leader in transportation planning, engineering, and design; working to create world-class transportation systems right here in Montana. This means better land use, safer streets, improved traffic operations, healthier communities, and more choices. We are committed to building sustainable transportation opportunities that will carry our communities into the future through access to rail and transit, complete streets, bicycle trails, and sidewalks.
WGM Group provides a wide range of transportation services, with the ability to meet our clients’ needs from initial concept to completed construction. Our clients include state and federal agencies, counties, cities, private companies, and individuals.
We use time-tested principals of planning, geometric design, and traffic operations, combined with state-of-the-art traffic analysis and modeling software to create well-engineered, community-based transportation solutions. WGM Group works hand-in-hand with our clients, anticipating challenges to improve efficiencies and deliver lasting projects that will help transport future generations.
We Specialize In:
Urban Corridor Design
Intersection Design
Roundabout Design
Signal Design
Bicycle & Pedestrian Design
Accessibility Design (ADA)
Roadside Safety
Geometric Design
Rest Areas
Traffic Engineering
Traffic Impact Studies (TIS)
Traffic Counts
Traffic Simulations (SimTraffic)
Lighting Design
Parking Design
Transportation Planning
Transit Studies
Transit Oriented Development
Transportation Projects
Related Services
To learn more about how our team can help with your project, please contact us through the link below. Thank you for your interest in working with us.